Placenta Encapsulation Services

Fetal Side of the Placenta

Placentas are amazing organs. They foster life in the womb from the time they are formed, but their role and influence does not cease at birth. Instead, they are perfectly created to nourish you as the mother and help you recover more quickly from your birth and pregnancy. Placenta capsules enable your system to gradually balance itself, and ease the transition to motherhood.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) methods are used to gently prepare, dehydrate, powder and encapsulate the placenta.

Here are some of the incredible benefits you can have from ingesting your placenta capsules....


• Your placenta is made by your own body and it contains your own natural hormones that will restore balance to your body.

• Your placenta helps to balance your system and hormones, decreasing likelihood of baby blues and post natal depression

• Your placenta contains high levels of Iron and Vitamin B6

• Your placenta helps to increase your energy level

• Your placenta helps decrease postpartum bleeding

• Your placenta increases milk production

• Your placenta helps your uterus to recover faster

• Your placenta contains hormones that can aid with menopause symptoms later in life

As soon as possible after your birth,  the encapuslation process is expedited so that within 24-48 hours so you can begin to enjoy its amazing benefits. 

Your completed capsules will be stored for you in a freezer safe container.  In addition to your capsules, you will receive your dried umbilical cord as a keepsake, your water bag for planting, photos of your placenta's processing journey, proven recipes for converting a few of your placenta capsules into a tincture (a liquid extract) and/or a salve (ointment) if you would like to do so, and finally.....a delicious homemade treat made just for you...simply for being such an amazing woman! 

Placenta Encapsulation Request Form

Congratulations!!! You are making a decision that will benefit you for years to come.  Simply fill in and hit the send button on the form below and I will make contact with you within 24-48 hours upon its receipt.  Until then, eat well, sleep well, drink lots of water and exercise as you can!    Aloha, Mari


Note: Mari's biography is available by clicking on the link at the top of this page.

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Note: Please be sure to check your junk mail or spam folder for our response in the event you do not get a reply within 7 working days. Mahalo!

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